One of my favorite things in the world is laying in bed on a weekend night watching Netflix movies while my Hunter and my Ro nap next to me and I scroll Instagram home design and wellness accounts as well. This is particularly enjoyable after an extra long week, I might add. I feel calm and giddy alike throughout this downtime. I am able to relax and unwind, often taking mindfulness breaks and enjoying a komboocha or lemon water simultaneously. It couldn’t be any more basic. This recharge makes me naturally happy creating reflection and gratefulness for everything in my life. I’m a hard worker with determination and I like to reach goals and make new ones so I feel like I’m on more than I’m not. I need to reset like this because it reiterates what it’s about most at the end of the day; health, happiness, and an attitude of gratitude. What is your approach to bring it all back to center? ...
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog