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Showing posts from February, 2018

Reset on a Weekend

One of my favorite things in the world is laying in bed on a weekend night watching Netflix movies while my Hunter and my Ro nap next to me and I scroll Instagram home design and wellness accounts as well. This is particularly enjoyable after an extra long week, I might add. I feel calm and giddy alike throughout this downtime. I am able to relax and unwind, often taking mindfulness breaks and enjoying a komboocha or lemon water simultaneously. It couldn’t be any more basic. This recharge makes me naturally happy creating reflection and gratefulness for everything in my life. I’m a hard worker with determination and I like to reach goals and make new ones so I feel like I’m on more than I’m not. I need to reset like this because it reiterates what it’s about most at the end of the day; health, happiness, and an attitude of gratitude. What is your approach to bring it all back to center?              ...

Time Blocking

When I worked in corporate world, I learned the art of time blocking. Actually, in middle and high school this concept was introduced through classes being structured to a similar schedule; we had A and B days and instead of taking 6 classes every day for a shorter duration, we took three each day, alternating which three, for longer periods of time.  To surmise, I’ve implemented this approach for well over 20 years now!  #YouKnowHowIKnowYoureInYour30s #YouReferenceThingsIn20YearIncrements. Anyhowwww...since I transitioned to work for myself from home, I’ve created a time blocking schedule here as well. It’s typically much more flexible than any other time blocking I’ve been part of, but it’s a good system. When you know what you’re going to do or at least have an idea to begin your day, I find it works well and let’s me start out focused even on days I wake up feeling less than on my game. It’s funny looking back, I never realized in 7th grade block classes, it w...

To plant a garden

I love this quote. It’s presently my background image because I enjoy it that much. I found on Instagram somewhere (I forget which account-oops, bad blogger!), and I truly love positivity and this quote here, this one right here, embraces my sentiments exactly. Nowadays it’s a fast paced world, everything soars by at record speed. In the words of my favorite teenage delinquent and yours, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while it’ll pass you by.” - Ferris Bueller Dear God, please tell me no one here is so young they don't know this without googling(!!). This message gives me a gusto for go getting while taking a few steps back to breathe and be. Gardening, while not my forte, is hugely therapeutic for everyone I know who does it so I’m channeling that good good zen zen when I think of this.  Feel inspired by today and get excited for tomorrow, love bugs. mkh

Spring Forward

In Florida we are not often unable to get outside due to the weather prohibiting us. Unlike our northern counterparts and Midwest comrades, we don’t get inundated with icy roads, below freezing temps, and snow blocked streets. Yet, with our own winter climate woes, the idea of hibernation just feels like the natural solution.  Maybe it's partly due to cold/flu season and everyone is miserable with the bronchitis, the sinusitis, and "just a nasty head cold".  Come on, we all know or are the someone with the lingering head cold that just won't stop because people don't wash their hands or don't cough into their elbow like decent humans and it's brutal.  Ugh, woof just recapping it. But I'm ready for the light of day to stay longer into the evenings and for the urge to get out and enjoy the great outdoors to be in full swing!  I enjoy this time of year in Florida because, well, who wouldn’t?  We live where other people vacation and retire to. See ab...

Roni ate a crayon

The middle part. Perhaps like real food, is this the juiciest part? I don’t know why or what got into her but she not usually isn’t a newer or eater of non edible items. My girl is sophisticated; enjoys edamame with a little sea salt, broiled chicken, and sweet potato dog cookies, she’s not some gremlin with an anything goes pallet. The number one thing that has changed with Roni since Pepper went to sleep would be her appetite. She eats, yes, but she’s veryyyyy particular. She won’t eat just to eat anymore. Like dogs do, she was always quick to scarf down food or treats because she worried Pepper would beat her to it. She be little but she is fierce when it comes to her grub.                             Roni, girl!  You don't need to eat crayons! I'll meal prep for you, too! Anyhow, we don’t love her new decision making abilities a...

January health was rough

 *This is a post I wrote at the end of last month and am just getting around to posting :) I’m exhausted. Not to be all redundant on feeling crummy, but I am just readddyyyyy to not feel headachy and mucus-y and cough-y and be short fused and impatient. I’m struggling, y’all. I am a doer and have so much I like to accomplish in a given day and this is just the pits. Okay, okay. I’m whining again and I am blessed it’s just a winter bug and this too shall pass. It’s just weird how this time of year goes with the ickiness of being sick. Dark, gloomy, overall feeling of hibernation; it’s all a perfect storm for being “under the weather”. One of my creative writing professors would ding me for such an obvious metaphor/cliche association. Yet, still true. I have formed a rash. That’s a newly developed aspect of my ailments. I am allergic to the antibiotic I was prescribed and ugh. God bless those with ailments regularly resulting in hives. I am so uncomfortabl...