We all need a little reboot sometimes and I am no different. I have a few things that always put a fresh pep in my step: -A new lipstick-bright and wildly colored usually -a komboocha or a cup of matcha green tea, depending which ice already at the time of said needed reboot in the day -journaling ideas or making a list of to-do’s, both for necessities and for aspirations. Writing is still my numero uno and it’s centered me since I was a kid. Don’t see this one going anywhere. -recalling my 10 areas of meaning I’ve decided on -cuddling my Roni girl. She is the sweetest, most ferocious fur baby and she gives absolute love -walks, I love getting out and doing a quick stroll or longer as time permits -getting into bed and enjoying cozy blankets and a good show -reciting a few positive mantras I hold dear I’m simple in my approach to a lot these days. These things I do to remind myself of that mentality are just the fix I need to rekindle my passion and fire for o...
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog