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Showing posts from January, 2018

Ideas to Reboot

We all need a little reboot sometimes and I am no different. I have a few things that always put a fresh pep in my step: -A new lipstick-bright and wildly colored usually -a komboocha or a cup of matcha green tea, depending which ice already at the time of said needed reboot in the day -journaling ideas or making a list of to-do’s, both for necessities and for aspirations. Writing is still my numero uno and it’s centered me since I was a kid. Don’t see this one going anywhere. -recalling my 10 areas of meaning I’ve decided on -cuddling my Roni girl. She is the sweetest, most ferocious fur baby and she gives absolute love -walks, I love getting out and doing a quick stroll or longer as time permits -getting into bed and enjoying cozy blankets and a good show -reciting a few positive mantras I hold dear I’m simple in my approach to a lot these days. These things I do to remind myself of that mentality are just the fix I need to rekindle my passion and fire for o...

Sick and Stir Crazy

I am going stir crazy from being cooped up in the house sick. Like, okay, sometimes when you get a little run down and take a little TLC down time and it feels good and let’s you get back to new in no time. Well, I’m talking the hacking, coughing, sneezing, headachy, clogged ears, sore throat, oh perfect timing because I have a zillion things to do kind of down. Ick. I got up yesterday and started doing stuff in my kitchen and had to lay back down almost instantly because it just was, as pop culture says, “too soon”. Anyhow, I’m trying not to whine too much and appreciate having something that will pass and focus on resting now to get better ASAP. I took a small walk outside today and that was hard but good. Hard because I haven’t been keeping up with my usual routine; I typically walk 3 miles at minimum a day and have now missed a chunk of time off between having a little bug right after holidays, Florida having freakishly cold weather making it unbearable to be out in...


Feeling ready and excited for what’s next and at peace with what’s been. I believe 2017 was a really really great year. I achieved a lot of goals like practicing mindfulness more, living with grace, and working smarter not harder. It feels freeing and joyous almost to look back on a soon to be old new year and say damn, I rocked my intentions I set for 2017. Hunter and I got married this year and it was pretty amazing. We celebrated being together for 10 years first and then hosted a wedding dinner party to commemorate. We could not be happier with how everything turned out. Food was delicious, all our favorite humans were in one space, and that space came together to represent what we envisioned all along. Love that 2017 is the year of the #VeryMarriedMunterhegans. And honestly, not much has changed; he still leaves socks just outside the hamper and I still update his daily to-do list 3 times. 2017 was also difficult. My mom injured herself at work and spent the ...