Image Via It's landed; a throbby kind of headache, slight aches and shivers, and a general feeling of bleh happens every year around the same time and it has hit the Munterhegan household. It arrives right after the first couple weeks of school begin and just before actual joys of fall start. I first noticed it sneaking in at the grocery store. People every aisle have been sneezing with heavy gusto and powerful spray free flowing from within them. It's not like it's a rude sneeze, but rather the uncontrollably loud, exerting type. It comes from the bottom of your being and is often snotty too. Ick. Home computer heavy workday ahead, folks. Attempting to kick it fast and get back to usual pace soon. Also, totally venting here about a measly cold but thinking lovingly of Texas friends and what they are experiencing. May recovery and rebuilding be plentiful and steadfast. Happy Monday, love bugs. Be well. mkh
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog