Sometimes I think too hard about things. Doesn't matter the subject or context, can be a brief pain or discomfort I feel, can be the right words to write, might be my grocery list. Not all the time thankfully, because truth be told I hate feeling worn down from overthinking. It is one of my very least favorite experiences on a given day. It's funny particularly thinking of this in regards to writing; for work when I feel this way I think, type, delete, think, type, delete, and berate myself for lack of ability to complete the task at hand. What? You don't go through the creative process of "this is great! This is garbage. I am garbage! This isn't so bad. Hey this is alright." Just me and Hemingway? Oh okay. When I write for leisure like for this space, I often catch myself rereading my words going "wtf, mate?" In either scenario, I usually come through by just writing "shit" and then combin...
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog