This speech is not new or recent. It is incredibly relevant and endearing still though. My favorite of the three stories is the middle section where doing what you love is so promoted. My least favorite story is death. It's unsettling and true what Steve says, how everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die to get there. All of these points do paint a very good picture describing life as an entrepreneur, as a next level adult, as a person navigating a new journey. This is also essentially me at this phase of my life.
Let's get the harder subject out of the way. I'm absolutely terrified of death. Isn't everybody? I mean, how do people not obsess over feeling robbed by an early death or a health related death or any death? Hear that? That's anxiety joining the conversation. I understand what Steve is trying to point out, despite it being such a heavy topic to weave into a commencement speech after all. If we don't wake up every day saying you know what, I need to live today to the fullest-be it by answering to Wanderlust, giving your resignation at a crummy job, or by enjoying a regular real sugar donut-just live it out today. I get it, Steve, I get it!
Like I said, loved the middle story about love and loss and loving what you do. Boom. End of story. Mic drop. I'm living this and while some days I think of simpler or different options, I feel the sense of love dwindle and I'm not willing to let that happen. I'm happy to wake up each morning eager to work and enjoy what I do. That is no easy feat. I know too many, myself formerly, who felt voids professionally and man, it isn't right. No one is saying don't do what you have to, to feed your family and set yourself up to have a comfortable life. "Not every day can be Disneyland", my dad has said for as long as I can remember. I absolutely have always hated this dadism BTW but as I get older, I get it. Give it your very best each day and that's a life to be proud of. If you're passionate about something make time, make a way, make it happen.
With recent grads from all phases of life walking across stages everywhere, I thought this oldie but goodie video was a good reminder for all.
Til we meet again,
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