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Showing posts from May, 2017

An ideal day

Image Via The other day was a nice embodiment of a successful day full of productivity and grace and for preservation of tips and tricks to ensure more of them, I thought I'd blog about it.   Specifically, what goes into my ideal schedule: Early to rise: I love waking up before my alarm.   I've read before this can be a sign of being well rested and I can attest this is usually how I feel when it happens.   At 6:45am, I am stirring to get up and on to my day. Sip and smooth: hot lemon water for the win.   This is not groundbreaking insight because this is a common beverage of choice for many for varying reasons.   I love it early morning, it just makes my whole body wake up and induces a calmness that clears my mind to take on the tasks before me.  I try to meditate at this point as well, nothing too crazed or in depth, mostly simple thoughts and intentions I set forth while taking time to breathe. Start 'er up: I get my work station...

Create, Drive, Passion

Pic has zero to do with post; Roni on guard is pretty freaking cute though. Some days I have so much to say and I long for this outlet.  I have a constant note page open in my phone appropriately titled "blog ideas".  While at a recent sporting event, I was definitely in the moment and rooting for our beloved OC Lions, but I also found myself eager to write and felt a surge for doing so.  Ideas were coming to me left and right and back to center again, almost in sync with the movement happening in front of me I suppose.  I kept thinking of grabbing my phone out and scribbling ideas because it felt like they were hitting me in rapid pace. Since I write content for a living and am always developing material for usually an assigned purpose, I like this space being available.  I've always said this ol' blog is for me and my thoughts and I'll be, it surely is.  I think I want to either find a writing challenge or create one for myself.  Like a 30 ...

Stay hungry, stay foolish

This speech is not new or recent.  It is incredibly relevant and endearing still though.  My favorite of the three stories is the middle section where doing what you love is so promoted.  My least favorite story is death.  It's unsettling and true what Steve says, how everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die to get there.  All of these points do paint a very good picture describing life as an entrepreneur, as a next level adult, as a person navigating a new journey.  This is also essentially me at this phase of my life. Let's get the harder subject out of the way.  I'm absolutely terrified of death.  Isn't everybody?  I mean, how do people not obsess over feeling robbed by an early death or a health related death or any death?  Hear that?  That's anxiety joining the conversation.  I understand what Steve is trying to point out, despite it being such a heavy topic to weave into a commencement speech after ...

Chicken Veggie Superbness!

One of the greatest aspects of working from a home office is preparing food fresh in your home's kitchen.  Lunch was magnificent today.  I got the recipe from Tiffanie on her instagram .  She has become one of my go-to favorites for eating and living well inspiration.  The above deliciousness is Pero Family Farms Sweet Kale mix with chicken & apple Aidells sausage and some feta sprinkled on top.  Wowza! I'm grateful to make these fresh meals.  I was that person in the corporate cube farm who lugged in 7 tupperwares a day to the break room in order to throw together something halfway delicious and gratifying in my 1 hour lunch break that wouldn't make me bolt out at 3pm for a Starbucks pick me up.  *For the record, I did love a lot about my previous work and I did absolutely enjoy my routines and runs to Starbiz often, but having the opportunity to prepare like this more often is so much better! I think this chicken sausage is my ...

Nashville Y'all

  We went to Nashville!  Never been before but am happy to report I'd go back.  Beautiful city full of history, passion, THE NICEST people, and my god, man, the food!!!  Nashville offered everything a good vacations does; we stayed at an Air B&B blocks away from Music Row, fabulous boutiques we don't have at home, Vanderbilt, and had the absolute most amazing weather to explore in. All that said, it was the residents and the culture in this city that won me over.  It offered a hustle pace with small town hospitality.  People actually wave and halt in between high rises and super powerhouse record companies saying "go head and cross the street". Now with any obligatory vacation recap post, behold!  A ton and a half of photos: Pancake Pantry .  This was the number 1 place every person before, during, and after has said "did you try it?"  Every Uber driver offered this up without hesitation when asked whe...

What's good, well being?

I'm running around like a lunatic these days.   We have a lot of work going on, we spent time traveling for work and play, and overall we're on the go-go-go.   Whilst running around, I am very much learning what's good for my mind and body.   I try to be aware of how I'm feeling, be it tired, worn down, and essentially ineffective.  I don't much like feeling like I'm chasing my tail so I've narrowed down a few things that help me through and if nothing else, would like to document what works/doesn't in my never ending quest to live a fulfilled, dedicated, and balanced life. -Turn the sound down.   That's right; I'm going against the age old "throw the windows down, turn the radio up" recommendation for living in the moment.   I suggest silence.   Or incite gentle chatter among copilots.   Marveling concept I know; enjoy the company you keep.  Either way, it's just nice to hear the sounds of traffic around you, of the win...