August 24th is 10 years Hunter and I have been together. What? How? When? We did? It's like omg, what a ride! My heart is full, my mind is spinning, and I think often why he's my person. The simplest I can think of is how he makes me laugh. And smile. And excited to tell him things all day long. It doesn't hurt that he's physically good looking and his inside heart is even more charming. It's also comforting how he's a provider and a protector. He's smart and kind and he has values and integrity. He's a lover and fighter for goodness and he gives strong, quality hugs. All this to say, I am even more smitten than I was 10 years ago with him and that I know is special. Don't get me wrong, no one is saying all day everyday is peaches and cream. Lord does he make me madder than a hatter on a hot Florida July day! He can be stubborn and set out for such perfection at times and he just won't let...
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog