I like the simple things in life more and more as I age. Especially in eating. I don't follow fad diets or count calories, instead I read ingredient lists more.
interested in clean eating because it's simple and it the best way to
take care of our minds, bodies, and ultimately our soul. "You are what you eat so don't be fast, cheap, or fake."
Let's be very clear, I don't recommend never indulging and enjoying a donut in all its overly processed glory. Life is short and all so have the delicious granulated sprinkles.
shop between Fresh Field Farms, Lucky's Market, and Publix/Target for
groceries and between them all I find good items that fit what I'm
looking for. Excited to try Lucky's Market Chicken Parmesan Meatballs this week. All simple, pronounceable ingredients so we will see if it makes the repeat purchase list. Stay tuned.
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