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Showing posts from December, 2016

I am so excited to begin a new year!

I don't have drastic plans or crazy intentions, I'm just so eager to see what another chapter brings! 2016 was in short a very, very good year.   The biggest thing this year will be marked in memory for is our business.   Not only did I make the jump to working full time for mine and Hunter's business, but we have grown in all categories we use to measure our development.   I am thrilled to wake up each morning and get to work; I don't ever get the Sunday night sads because tomorrow is Monday and wahhh I have to go back to an unfulfilling or unhappy work situation.   That, my friends, is absolutely nothing to snarl at fo sho! On a personal note, my dad battled cancer twice and kicked its ass twice in 2016.   For that, I am happy to move forward to a new year.   No one wants their parent to struggle or get sick and I am thankful every day for healing and forward movement in this wild and beautiful life we get to live. For 2017, I suppos...

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Just a quick pop in to say Merry, Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones this weekend.   And if you celebrate something different or not at all, I wish you wonderful moments and memories however you spend your time. To grateful hearts and seeking out the magic.

How Do You Keep Clean?

My favorite thing to eat lately is spinach artichoke hummus and kale chips.   I am obsessed a little actually.   It's just so yummy and made with real ingredients and not bogged down with unpronounceable items. This is the stuff I look out for more than anything else.   Nowadays so many people will tell you do this, try that, eat 7.5 meals daily of no less than 23 and 46 yada yadas.   I'm exhausted even attempting to provide examples. I feel best when I eat clean food and drink lots of water.   That's just what works for me.   I like to go to places like Lucky's Market and Whole Foods to find products to try here and there.   Pick up a soup, grab different premade meatballs, try out a new chocolate; basically it's a fun way to scour deals and explore new items that serve ingredients of better substance. I don't do full shopping at either of these stores.   I find their best use for us is to try new things.   I love the ease ...

Sasha the Fabulous Reindeer

Over the past weekend we attended a cookie decorating party our friends hosted.   It was so much fun!   We began our extravaganza with a homemade breakfast casserole, croissants, and mimosas.   Aka, what Sundays are intended to be accompanied by. We had sugar cookies in every type of sleigh, bell, and Reindeer shape unavailable, chocolate chip, red velvet kiss cookies, grinch rise crispy treats, and homemade fudge.   Anddddd just like that I need another glass of water to counteract my sugar consumption today. This is the stuff holidays are made of.   We laughed, we hugged extra tightly with big "Merry Christmas!" wishes, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation was on repeat.  #HeavenOnEarth   How are your holiday get togethers going this far?

Everybody Dance!

While sitting outside at a delicious Greek restaurant over the weekend, a neighboring patron's phone went off to the tune of "Everybody Dance Now".   And I loved it!   What a fantastic reminder to chill out. It really is the simple things in life and I embrace that as often as I can.   A fun song on a cell phone checks the mark in the box of happy things.   What's a feel good song you wouldn't mind hearing any time your phone goes bzzz bzzz with it?

Why Blogging

I love blogging and social media for many reasons but my favorite might just be the true connectivity.   For example, you can be witness to so many atmospheres and experiences.   I love signing on social media and seeing the whitest snowy street in Brooklyn , or the cobblestone roads in London , or weekend trip to Chicago . In a way like never anything we've known before, we get the great opportunity to be exposed to different nestles around the world.   What a cool aspect of social media when used for inspiring purposes. What are you so excited to see on your feeds?

That Greatness

  From wellandgoodnyc "You're meant for greater things. "  How truly profound and utterly true. If you believe it, be it.   We all deserve happiness so make your own.   Some say we don't deserve wealth, or the exact physical qualities we think we want, but happiness, that's something I believe we all deserve. I'm a proponent of making the best out of situations.   It's absolutely not easy all the time, but I'm more optimistic than not.   Between Optimism and a highly twisted sense of humor in even disheartening times, I'm all set. I like this little reminder and I plan to live big in happiness wherever else I am in life.  Happy weekending to you!


This year for the holidays I'm more determined than ever to seek meaningful gifts.   I'd like to offer gifts to provide more of an experience than a quick ohhh-ah shiny factor.   For example, I'm considering for our nephews and niece to get them passes for a museum or the zoo.   If we can get a good deal on annual passes to one that would be even better. For parents and grandparents, we're returning to the idea that Christmas is about showing loved ones how we think of them when not together.   Like "Oh, I walked past this ____ and knew it was for you."   It's important to get back to what this holiday is about; kindness, thoughtfulness, and spreading love.   It is meant to be a humbling time of year full of slowing down with appreciation and surprising ourselves with acts of goodness. Yes we can stand more compassion and generosity year round and I encourage that too.   It's just that our world seems to be at even more a place of utter...

Person of Interest, do you watch it?

It has quickly become a favorite in the Munterhegan household.   We started it when I fought a nasty cold weeks ago and needed down time motivation.   A new series was in order and it's become our evening time go to.   It's a good binge show with 5 seasons to get through. The writing is fantastic and it's a clever who-done-it storyline.   Finch is my favorite character and Mr. Reece is a close second.   I love the humor the writers pepper in.  We just made our way to season 3 and there is now an interesting assembly of characters working together which is awesome.  Some people have their back up runaway plan to join the circus.  Me?  I'll go find the library and post up ready to save lives. What series are you watching?


I like the simple things in life more and more as I age.   Especially in eating.   I don't follow fad diets or count calories, instead I read ingredient lists more. I'm interested in clean eating because it's simple and it the best way to take care of our minds, bodies, and ultimately our soul.   "You are what you eat so don't be fast, cheap, or fake." Let's be very clear, I don't recommend never indulging and enjoying a donut in all its overly processed glory.   Life is short and all so have the delicious granulated sprinkles. We shop between Fresh Field Farms , Lucky's Market , and Publix/Target for groceries and between them all I find good items that fit what I'm looking for.   Excited to try Lucky's Market Chicken Parmesan Meatballs this week.   All simple, pronounceable ingredients so we will see if it makes the repeat purchase list.   Stay tuned.  

Blog How, Why, What, Where, When, and Who

My stats have gone to hell since I don't make this space a priority any more.   So, I'm going to keep coming and rambling and continue to use it as what it started as, which was a digital scrapbook of sorts.   Hunter and I have a joke about memory boxes so this is it, my virtual memory box. Stats have never been my motivation for Ohgabetta and that's okay.   I much more value the ability to talk, which I like to do, and write, which I also like to do.   I'm better when I wrote actively for leisure.   It's like with thoughts free flowing and taking even just 30 minutes for myself a day to write here, I'm more in tune and alert elsewhere. I guess what's said about taking care of your own soul is good for the rest of you is correct.   I like it and I've always said I would do this blogging thing as long as it made me feel good and was a space made all my own.   Ta-da.

2016 Done, 2017 Ahead

Is 2016 really almost over?   Howwwwww? I mean really, we all are guilty of saying it every year: "is the year already over?"   "Where did this year go?"   "December?" Despite my dismay at the closure of another year, I'm feeling pretty good with how 2016 will go down in the books.   As you may recall if you've read around these parts before, I made big career moves, and that's just maybe the biggest thing I could have done for my year.   And I'm proud to report I still do not regret it one bit. My hope for 2017 is to continue on the same professional path only with growth and more excitement.   I'm interested in one more ambition of sorts and can't wait to follow up on it, both in real life and here in this space. Have any final thoughts on 2016 or pending ideas for 2017?

Where does your inspiration live?

Inspiration lives everywhere. You've heard this, right?   Well I believe it.   I seek and find inspiration in everything from online news articles to puppies I don't know.   It's the perspective we choose to make for ourselves. As I get older I find myself increasingly more grateful in daily life.   It's simple luxuries like good health, love for and from those around me, and the ability to do what I love for a living that keeps me thriving. All this to say, I hope I continue to finding gratitude and grace for every morning.   I'm honestly quite happy and eager to keep finding joy in the kitchen and in the middle of pumping gas.                                                      ...

Obsessively Grateful and Frazzled

                                                                    Image via Pinterest         I'm having a tough time today.   I mean it in the best way because it's over good things but man am I frazzled this week!   I'm coming off the tail end of a quick but nasty cold and a new project is kicking my ass.   Needless to say, namaste in bed, y'all. I kid, kind of.   I read too many damn articles on entrepreneurship and I'm told this is normal.   For as many awesome days and exciting developments, you will have down right difficult and staticky days.   Is that even a word?   It just feels right given my groggy frame of mind. Autocorrect didn't flag me or change to "satire" or something completely off like did you mean Zimbabaway? Well...

How was your Thanksgiving?

Hard to believe it's over actually.   We hosted at our house for Hunter's parents, sisters and their boyfriends, and our nephews and niece.   It was successful and filling. We brought in the turkey and a few sides and made a bunch more.   We had more than enough food and spent a lovely day together. I love hosting any event or get together as it is and I especially love hosting holidays.   I like the planning and the chaos just the same.   I welcome the celebration more than the fluster that may come with holiday gatherings so it's even out of the wash. How did you celebrate this year?