I don't have drastic plans or crazy intentions, I'm just so eager to see what another chapter brings! 2016 was in short a very, very good year. The biggest thing this year will be marked in memory for is our business. Not only did I make the jump to working full time for mine and Hunter's business, but we have grown in all categories we use to measure our development. I am thrilled to wake up each morning and get to work; I don't ever get the Sunday night sads because tomorrow is Monday and wahhh I have to go back to an unfulfilling or unhappy work situation. That, my friends, is absolutely nothing to snarl at fo sho! On a personal note, my dad battled cancer twice and kicked its ass twice in 2016. For that, I am happy to move forward to a new year. No one wants their parent to struggle or get sick and I am thankful every day for healing and forward movement in this wild and beautiful life we get to live. For 2017, I suppos...
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog