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Showing posts from June, 2015

Be back soon to talk vacay!

Hellooooo Lovies! I have returned from le city of Chicago!  We had fun, so so much of it, and I can't wait to come back and catch you up on all that we got to experience.  I would actually love to do that now but real life kicked in as soon as we landed back in the sunshine state and I am still adjusting from such a wonderful break away. As soon as I get my groove back for daily life and get done hugging our pups and catching up with them, I will get to recapping how the #munterheganstakechicago. Until we meet again, M

What's in my bag?

J'adore June is just past the halfway point and it has been a blast and a half thus far.  To kick off yesterday, you know Monday, Sundays' bitchy sister, the topic asked what's in my bag... Which got me thinking, I can pretty much surmise what's in my bag any given day as: a)Professional b)Pretty c)Otherwise Fabulous Allow me to elaborate... Professional: - My beloved planner from Target.  I believe in social media and the tech part of life, however nothing beats pen to paper planning and organizing. -Business cards all day; for both my social media business services and for my baking business with my two gal pals.  Never throw away a business card! -I'm a writer so I always pack a pen or ten.  Even with a cute, smaller clutch I throw one in my bag. In day to day, I carry my stack in an adorable little case. Pretty:   -My cutesy Clinique makeup bag that is full of life's daily essentials: -lots of lip lip stuff -floss ...

A Catch Up Collection

Hello Lovers! I stepped away from blogging adventures due to having family in town to visit with and extra busy work commitments.  Damn it feels good to be gangsta an adult. Alas, have no fear, I have taken pics of what I've been up to in order to come back to this lil'space sharing deets.  Because if you don't live life and then blog about it, did it really even happen?  Exactly! One #ootd post , coming right up!  This would be a tale of pure luck in the regard that I got to work Thursday, looked in my planner to see what J'adore June's topic was, only to be more than prepared with my garden principessa look on deck.  I dig when that happens.  See what I did there? Next up: family visiting.  Specifically, 2 of our nephews, our only niece, and one sister in law for me, straight up sister for Hunty. This little lamb:::love sooooo big!  I was more than prepared to visit her with a bow in tow, pink nail polish on standby, and a cup...

Quote It

#quoteit What words inspire you most when you need a reminder to keep moving along, chasing dreams and goals, working to transform your wild imagination into real life?  For me this is it.  With the simple, direct messaging, I can't help but feel optimism for what the future holds. I'm a motivated person, full of ideas and ambitions, and reading this quote brings me center when I start to wobble from too many thoughts.  Let's be honest, thoughts are great, but doing is better.  And to do, it's good to keep it in perspective. Just keep swimming and do what you love and I think things will play out grand. Until we meet again, M


This picture will forever make me happy. Just like this stud does too.  Short and sweet today friends.  Have some business projects to work on :):) Until we meet again, M

Selfie Sunday

J'adore June is really fun this first week in.  I love every theme of every day of the month.  No really, there isn't one I'm unsure of or not looking forward to.  But if I had to say one had me slightly thinking about it, it would be today's. Selfies are definitely an interesting part of our current culture, no?  I believe they are here to stay too, so might as well jump join ship. To selfies: here's to always feeling a little bit awkward, slightly self-indulgent, and personally deprecating.  Also known as welcome back to your teenage years.  Now with your own bank account and insurance deductibles. Until we meet again, M

Best Friends

                               Gang's all here: Jenny, Lizetty, Danielle, Andrea, and Izzy I don't know if I can ever truly define my thankfulness for the people I consider to be my nearest and dearest in the friends department. Each of my closest friends share one big commonality with me: humor.  We all laugh and share similar stances on what tickles our fancies.  Big aspect, HUGE component , to what works between us.  It typically produces tears streaming down faces quick and often.  Exactly how I adore my humor. Now, I know everyone will say they believe their best friends are better than others and that's cool.  Best friends should believe in each other so magnificently and rave accordingly.  I simply know that the friendship I have with each of my people is the kind of stuff dreams and any good ro...

Sweet Treat

                                   Oh Kate Spade 75% off sale, you'll always have my heart You smell that?  Lemons.  Summer.  Sea salt.  Pepper needs a bath.  No?  Just me and my sense of smell that is returning party people!  I couldn't be happier to smell all the smells and the true transition to sweet, sweet summah times that is upon us. Summer officially kicks off June 21st.  Now that particular weekend we are actually going to be in Chicago multi-celebrating Hunter's college graduation, his 30th birthday, and the start of summer.  We will hopefully be full of laughter from comedy shows, sunkissed from galavanting and trekking every which way, and will be deciding on the next type of deep dish pizza we plan to indulge in. We haven't had a vacay like this in a few...

11 Years Out of High School

To the day, 11 years ago, I walked across the stage that was set up in my high school football stadium and received my diploma.  What do I remember most?  My friends and I were sat alphabetically so we were pretty close to one another since we were all within the same few letters of each other.  And a beach ball.  I definitely remember a beach ball being hit into the sky repeatedly by classmates. We hollered and cheered with blinding excitement as each of us waltzed across the stage.  Honestly, we couldn't wait to lose the gowns, show off our impressive tans in our coordinated neon after party outfits, and hit the many dirt road gatherings in store for the class of 2004 that night.                         White during graduation, neon pink afterwards, all to show off those tans! In the grand scheme of life, 11 years out of high sc...


Oh today .  Today I went to the doctor and discovered I am battling a sinus infection. Ah yes, one of ailments finest.  I used to get these a lot but it's been a while and I almost forgot how miserable they can make a person.  Almost. It does put in perspective how thankful I am to have good health otherwise.  It is a blessing beyond words.  So today's blog is dedicated to those battling any type of illness that makes you feel less than stellar.  May you find comfort and have love to help you through. Until we meet again, M


Ughhhh.  I am sick.  I got myself some kind of summer cold and it is fierce y'all.  Terrible congestion, sore throat, and just sneeze after sneeze. Ick.  Needless to say, with what little bit of taste sense I have, delicious Chinese food from my very favorite restaurant was a necessary endeavor. I got the chicken with broccoli and veggie fried rice and although it was off the lunch special menu, it offers more than enough for dinner too.  Well well, winner winner, chicken broccoli dinner. So the silver lining to getting sick?  Ordering this deliciousness on the perfect day for my blogging and Instagram challenge because the topic is foodie.  With that, I'm off to try and sleep this bug away.  Sanitize your paws often and drink up the OJ kids. Stay healthy lovies! Until we meet again, M

J'adore: Acceptance & Love

It's the start of another amazing Instagram photo and blogging challenge for the lovely month of June my friends.  I'm very excited that Jordyn and Kristin decided to pair up and launch this one.  I love every day's topics and can't wait to see how everyone participating accentuates their style and take on the girly girl topics. Now for day one, coincidentally June 1, the topic is J'adore.  My first J'adore inspiration comes in the form of complimenting one individual lady's way of introducing herself to the world.  Meet Caitlyn Jenner.                                                         Pic from Joyce Bonelli Instagram Fab, fearless, fun, oh and did I say fab?  This is t...