I spruced up this ol'blog space today. This was prompted because I keep finding things that remind me how much I love writing.
The picture above is 3 gifted journals, which had become buried in a storage bin, that I've received over the years. These were from approximately ages 24-27 for me. For those late to class, I turn 30 in September. Talk about recognizing growth, yet appreciating what stays the same.
Ambitions and aspirations are consistent, better picker of battles apparent. Essentially, much like this blog land of mine, my hand written "posts" exemplify someone learning who they are and who they strive to be. There may or may not also be some consistent accessories talk. But, that's just muah.
Perfect timing to find these; today's Instagram Photo Challenge is #MondayMotivation. Hollaaaaaa!
All that said, I felt it necessary to give Ohgabetta a little L-O-V-E. Time for new journal pages to be drafted.
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