I made it, I made it! It's the last day of Helene in Between's April Instagram Photo Challenge, as well as my personal goal additionally to blog each day on the same topics, and here I come waltzing in with t-minus 5 minutes to spare. Whooooooo! I did it!
30 days straight of blogging and I feel good. Sure, some days were harder than others to turn up and I would think oh man, why did I challenge myself? Do I really have to keep my own word to blog each day that I take a #30photosinbetween picture too???? But, I set out to get the job done and done it is. Honestly, it gives me clarity, builds my endurance, and makes me focus all around when I have something like this happening. I truly enjoyed myself. So much so, that I am setting another challenge in motion....
One of my very favorite other bloggers is Taylor over at The Daily Tay. Taylor is by far one of the funniest individuals I've ever virtually encountered. I look forward to her blogs each day and was thrilled to see a few days ago, that she is forging forward with an Instagram gig known as #20HappyDaysofMay. I am all for this endeavor and am further challenging myself to blog about each topic just as equally as I Insta a picture.
Friends, let's start the engines and rev them. Here's to that same ambitious high school senior in the above picture, ready to take on the world then, still going strong.
Until we meet again,
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