Raising a mug to this here blog space in celebration.
This is quite a momentous moment! After all, it is my 250th post and for that I am quite proud. Blogging is hard business, my friends. And I'm not even into all the other parts like sponsorships, giveaways, so on and so forth. I'm just proud that I've kept this thing alive this long. Way more than I can say about any plant I've taken in. #RIPBasilplant #Ireallydidtryforyou.
Blogging is also some of the most amazing business to be had. I particularly enjoy that this space serves as a virtual memory box to reflect on. I see growth, celebrations, recall good food recipes, vacations, holidays, milestones-just to name a few. Basically it's a compilation of all my favorite things in life and for that I love love love and adore this space of mine.
Ohgabetta, the true meaning of love and joy and everything squishy and happy. To 250 more!
Until we meet again,
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