Oh these goodies. These two pics really wrap up so much of my teenage/early adult years. I liked to have a good time and I liked costume parties. A lot. We all did. I don't want to brag, but my friends and I knew how to have a good time.
What's funny, is that back then, we were wild, free, and daring. We lived for the next socializing event and planning of the night's outfits. In many cases, we acted first, thought after. We were the perfect blend of fun and out of control. We always looked out for each other and made sure we left with the people we came with. Rule Cluster #1 of being a champion friend: never leave a sister whether during confrontation, when coordinating accessories, or pumping a keg.
Having met the two girls in the pictures above at ages 12 and 14 respectively, a sisterhood formed between us. As we've grown up, it's only expanded. We still live for fun socializing events just the same, but now they tend to revolve around babies, brunches, and talking about how we don't drink tequila straight anymore. Usually. I am still very much the same person as I was, when I revolved without a care. So are they, which is what makes my heart so full.
Til we meet again,
PS: I painted, glittered, and stickered that picture frame and gifted it to Andrea. I like to think of it as one of my finer creative experiments. And it melts my heart she visited her mom's house recently to find it as we left it.
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