Busy bee over here. Man, I am keeping it moving!
-45++ hr work weeks
-25hrs of school
-2 dogs who like love & attention...a lot
-Bubsy/Sanity time squeezed in
= Exhausted Meg Mouse
(Hang out with us yo')
In between the usual day to day life events, welcoming spring is at the top of the exciting news list. Love spring fashion, fresh makeup finds and every pair of Nine West shoes I've tried on so far. My heart sings this time of year and it's a sweet chirping song.

Not into March Madness. I know it's about basketball. Maybe college level. And that's all I got...
Look, more of something I'm excited about in March:
Even Ro is ready, set going into spring with a fresh 'do. Sweet girl looks a little goofy yet still so cute. She'll be alright, she's still a foxy Roni boo.

-Met some Ro-like gals. Lovely babies to come upon on an evening walk. Hey y'all!
Andddd a really, really proud moment:

The Pub in reference was super fun to compose and it had so many excitable components. It also offered tense aspects. It's amazing to earn the recognition.
Happy almost Easter!
Cadbury egg enthusiast,
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