Anyone who knows me well knows I am mildly spastic when it comes to certain tasks. I accept this award and I would like to thank my parents, for treating me like an only child the 13 years I was one. It's quite possible they loved me so much they wanted to really keep me from the dangerous moments in life such as driving at night...changing a tire...refilling a propane gas tank for a grill. While some of my friends were doing all of these tasks never leaning on the "But I'm a girl" excuse, I was perfectly content leaving these hobbies to others. Now, as far as that last example, taking in a gas tank to switch, these contraptions are quite scary. Since I am super afraid of my shadow at times, they are also a recipe for a disastrous for me and comical for others endeavor. Hunter has known me going on five years and knows me as well as my mother does yet still included me in his trip to Lowes. Silly, silly boy. The trip started fine; the tank unhooked normal and I watc...
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog