Hmphhhhhh....My glorious 3 day weekend is coming to a close. Booooo. So much was able to be accomplished: event for BRINK, writing for BRINK, sheets; curtains, rugs washed; did grocery shopping for fresh deliciousness; got 3 presents away from completing Christmas shopping anddd everything is wrapped(I am my mother circa 1990); went for a run with the weird in my hair; caught up on Dexter--2 episodes, I know-Worst.Fan.Ever. award right here---I even had time to fit in an allergy attack but it didn't upset me too much because when it happened I still had two whole days left to enjoy. While at the store I snagged two bones for the girls. Pepper of course obliged and spoke on command, shook my hand as asked, and sat patiently while I kept Roni from spinning 27 times in anticipation. Pep ran off with a gleam in her eye to devour hers while Roni, not able to lift her bone(I NEED to create a bag of dog bones for those housing fur creatures of different size-note to self-1 item added to...
Goals, glitter, and good vibes; a lifestyle blog