Everyone questions their life and decisions at times. Everyone wonders about the what if's and the what how's and tries to come to terms with the curve balls that also factor in. In particular, my plans were to venture to the city and live the life portrayed in all the movies and tv shows. The excitement, the struggles, the newness of uncomfortable moments from being in a new place during a new phase of life. As they say, life happens when you're busy with everything else, right? To be honest, it's a struggle knowing if a decision you make today will make everything alright tomorrow. Although I've strictly postponed my relocation plans, (yes I'll still get there, just taking a back road scenic view of life along the way) my city isn't going anywhere. It'll be there for me. Well, not just me.

I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to plan the adventure ahead for two instead.

I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to plan the adventure ahead for two instead.
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