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Showing posts from March, 2011

Thankful isn't just for Turkeys

I'm a hugeeeee gal's gal. I love jewelry, clothes, jewelry, purses, big flowers nearing the size of Alabama, shoes and jewelry. My family and friends understand this about me and did a lot over the years to feed into what some experts may call my addiction. Every Christmas or birthday a few people would pick out something so perfect, offering the right amount of gawd, glitter, or glistening perfection that it was clearly made for me. Now like the sweet feeling of upping the carat count someone else came into my life and not only accepted these same perks and quirks of mine but embraced that this was the way I would probably always be. This guy quickly figured that, Hey, if you can't beat 'em.. build it for her.

Duck Luck

Everyone questions their life and decisions at times. Everyone wonders about the what if's and the what how's and tries to come to terms with the curve balls that also factor in. In particular, my plans were to venture to the city and live the life portrayed in all the movies and tv shows. The excitement, the struggles, the newness of uncomfortable moments from being in a new place during a new phase of life. As they say, life happens when you're busy with everything else, right? To be honest, it's a struggle knowing if a decision you make today will make everything alright tomorrow. Although I've strictly postponed my relocation plans, (yes I'll still get there, just taking a back road scenic view of life along the way) my city isn't going anywhere. It'll be there for me. Well, not just me. I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to plan the adventure ahead for two instead.

So much to do, So little done, Such things to be - E.Taylor (1932-2011)

Elizabeth Taylor passed away today. She's been in poor health for a while so I don't know why I'm as saddened/surprised as I am. Any of my coworkers within ear shot probably think I'm completely nuts since I gasped and grasped my desk when the headline popped up. I suppose it's because Elizabeth was a symbol of perseverance..determination..strength. Whether it was her never give up on love attitude, her ability to stand straight up to adversity, or simply her impeccable style, Elizabeth Taylor executed some very key elements of womanhood. For decades women longed for those catlike eyes, that stylish and charitable lifestyle, and come on now, the jewels man! My "storage-closet-turned-accessories-dressing-room-by-my-beloved-Bubsy" is merely a clutch compared to the Birkin purse of a room Ms. Taylor accumulated over her years. Gorgeous and glorious she was and she will be insanely missed by all who admired her for as many reasons as she had carats. Such a bit...

Shoe La La

Ones with bows Some your best friend chose Kinds with dainty lace New kinds, trouble with closet space Peeptoes, kittens, some too tall But with adventure risks a fall A chance worth risk a love affair not meant brisk Enjoy, indulge, embellish whilst awaiting new seasons to relish Making soleful friends for the long haul Kickin up kicks and having a ball

Blue Skies Please Follow Me

Blue skies right there on the brink Breathtaking, beautiful, don't you think? Enchanting, bright days Life completely void of haze Enjoy moments so full of promise For appreciation provokes homage

Suckering Sunshine

Winning was on everybody's mind long before Charlie Sheen chowed down on a big bowl of crazy for breakfast and decided to tell everyone around him about his amazing concept. Long before silly Sheen mentioned it, we've all always wanted to win. If you're not "winning" you're "losing" and if you ever went to public middle school you know you don't want to be a loser in any concept. Duh! (Sorry Charlie--Doh! Did it again! It's just sooo easy). But really, if you personally aren't winning then what should you be doing differently to make that your reality? Whether climbing a mountain, volunteering at a church, taking in a sporting event or properly sorting your whites/colors-whatever! Do something to make YOU happy, hence you're winning. For me, we've been running every night relishing in the extra hour of daylight now allotted. While under the blue sky, nodding at familiar neighbors seen every night on their routines as well, taking ...

Tallulah Roni Roberts

Happy 3rd birthday baby girl! You entered our lives and we couldn't have been happier. Daddy, Mommy and Peppy love you more than any Black Ops game, any fashion forward accessory or any bone the size of Texas! Enjoy your day Princess Furry Tail ♥

Gifting Inspiration

When something inspires, it would be cruel not to share the inspiration One of our adventures took us to a place deserving of a blessing. New Orleans, LA is a city of heart, fight and good nature that is far too high considering the hands Harrah's Casino didn't deal them. A city of music, food and soul undeniably, you can't help but feel alive. The inevitable happens sometimes, and like New Orleans we sought an adventure of intrigue. Seeing snow for the first time? For us, priceless. For New Orleans? Like meeting an old friend.

It's For The Dogs

There's something to be said for comfort. Comfort with food, image, lifestyle, all aspects really. Comfort is warm, friendly, cool and happy. Overall it's completely amazing to experience. In your mid 20's it can be a wonderful feeling when comfort settles over you. Trying to balance this "adult" concept is for the birds but utterly and totally necessary. The moments you feel comfortable are often short lived because in comes the next adult battle to conquer. Waiting for comfort to wash over you when one to-do list item is met gives the boost needed to meet the next challenge. Just food for thought and thoughts for comfort. Comfort is their strong suit; finding it, giving it, embracing too.

Do You See What I See ♥

Picture it: wind drifting past newly sprouted flowers, fresh produce deals being bellowed at the Farmer's Market, and 0% chance of precipitation. Hopefully we're on the same blog page here, but Spring Time is springing up all around us and personally I'm devouring it! It's normal to feel ready for seasonal must haves so soon into the new season such as a new pair of wedges, sturdy to carry you as you skip all around when you have that first free day from the office, school, or a free hour from the kids and the house. A new pair of shades, often unique in shape or color, something different from the more classic, balanced looks for Fall and Winter always bring a smile to a face. Two accessories for the price of one in that instance, I love that! And don't forget to indulge with some new bits of organic happiness like flower pieces for your hair or wardrobe. Once you're looking like you're on top of the world, you just want to run outside and do something to c...

Flying Time = Having Fun

It's been quite a while, huh? I've definitely felt the void in my life from not writing as often. Well, where to start the re-familiarizing ourselves...Since my last post, roughly 9 months (ouch) I've since parted ways as a customer service satisfactory guarantor, aka the wonderful land of serving. It was bittersweet for sure but I found myself with an opportunity to start a full time, 40 hours a week, benefits included, with the possibility for career advancement place of employment. Initially to start it's not exactly what I want but for the first post college gig? Not too shabby. Home life is good. My better half is finding new paths to wander and he is embracing all of life's opportunities for change. I'm sure he's apprehensive of new endeavors but who isn't at some point? With all of the things life throws at you, you definitely learn when to swing, duck, and absolutely when to knock one out of the park. Happy moments til next time :)